
Targeting the dental market? We’ve got the data you need!

As a supplier of dental products, pharmaceuticals, material and services, you may find it hard to track master data on dental clinics to narrow down your target group and define Ideal customer profiles. Also, if you are considering expanding your reach or improving your dialog with dental clinics, you need an optimized overview of who […]

Targeting the dental market? We’ve got the data you need! Read More »

The Data Protection Regulation is coming into force

Data Protection Regulation: We’ve listed 7 changes to be aware of to abide by it. More stringent requirements with regard to the information to be given to the data subjects The requirement for accountability Data processors can in some cases be held liable Privacy by design/by default Data protection impact assessments (DPIA) More stringent requirements regarding

The Data Protection Regulation is coming into force Read More »

Why is having quality data and a correct HCP/HCO database important for pharma organisations?

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]esides increasing marketing- and sales effectiveness, the proposed EFPIA disclosure code also necessitates having up-to-date information about the Healthcare profesionals and Healthcare organisations at whom you direct your marketing activities. Watch the video to see how the proposed EFPIA code on disclosure of transfers from pharmaceutical companies to HCPs and HCOs works.

Why is having quality data and a correct HCP/HCO database important for pharma organisations? Read More »