Transparency reporting in the European healthcare Industry What should be done in order to be compliant in Europe?
In order to create more transparency in Europe the healthcare industry is implementing technical measures to manage and collect transfers of value spend on healthcare professionals (HCPs) and healthcare organisations (HCOs) in compliance with the EFPIA Disclosure Code (The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations).
This Code is a code of conduct that requires all EFPIA member companies and companies that are members of EFPIA member associations to disclose these transfers of value. Under the Code, EFPIA members will have to disclose the names of HCPs and HCOs that have received payments or other transfers of value from them. They will also have to disclose the total amounts of value transferred to either the HCP or the HCO, by type of activity, which could consist of, for instance, a grant to an HCO, a consultancy fee for speaking, payment for travel expenses, or registration fees to attend a medical education congress.
The disclosure reports will be published on a public platform, which could be on the company’s own website or, in some countries, a central platform, combing data from different companies.
Who needs to comply with the EFPIA Disclosure Code?
The EFPIA General Assembly formally adopted the EFPIA Disclosure Code on June 24, 2013.
The Code applies to all EFPIA members including: Corporate Member Companies; Members of EFPIA Specialised Groups: (i) European Bio-pharmaceutical Enterprises (EBE) and Vaccines Europe (VE); and Member Companies of Member Associations that are not directly members of EFPIA. This includes most major pharmaceutical companies operating in Europe.
All Member Associations are required to transpose the Code into their national codes, unless its provisions are in conflict with applicable national laws or regulations.Member companies are bound by the relevant EFPIA Member Association’s code in each country in Europe in which they operate, whether directly or through its relevant subsidiary.
How can PureSave help you comply with the EFPIA disclosure code?
PureSave gives you the opportunity to look up and save people and organisations from the healthcare industry, that are relevant for transparency reporting. Once the right healthcare professional or healthcare organisation has been looked up, you are able to pull out this record and save it in your chosen transparency reporting system (Concur, Medispend, Polaris, etc.) to aggregate spend on this relevant professional.
The data records you save are fully up-to-date at the time of saving, though no updates are provided to the records once they have been taken out and saved – an update of the records is available as a separate option. The Data will be made available for you via a web service, which can be linked directly to most Global Aggregate Spend Platforms.
PureSave is the service behind the search form. This means that aPureBase provides the data that you search for in your own aggregate spend platform. For Concur, this search form already exists and you are ready to plug into our database directly by enabling a Plugin from the Concur Marketplace. If you use another platform, a search form can easily be set up in your aggregate spend platform for you to use when you want to access our database for relevant records.
The records you access through PureSave are purely licensed for aggregate spend reporting. aPureBase also offers specific other products and services if you require continuous updates on the HCP and HCO data in you CRM system, wish to use our data for sales- or marketing purposes or want to use our data for any other purpose.